The 2021 TIER Spring Symposium will be an eight-part virtual event exploring the educational purposes of teaching students transparent and reproducible methods of quantitative data analysis. Taking a step back from the nuts and bolts of code and software, the Symposium will focus on the diverse ways in which teaching reproducible research methods can reinforce principles that are fundamental to higher education (e.g., the importance of reasoned argument based on verifiable evidence), and contribute to students' broad intellectual development (e.g., gaining confidence in their ability to independently generate meaningful insights into real and important issues). The Symposium will consist of a mix of pre-recorded videos and live discussions via Zoom. Each speaker will pre-record a presentation of about 45 minutes in length. The videos will be posted on this page for symposium participants to watch at their convenience. About a week after each video is posted, there will be a live, one-hour Zoom meeting, during which a discussant makes remarks about the video presentation, the speaker responds, and then the floor is open for questions and comments from participants. These live discussions will take place on a series of Fridays, beginning at 11:00 am Eastern Standard Time (4:00 pm GMT; 8:00 am Pacific Time). Each discussion will be about one hour long. The exact dates of the discussions will be confirmed in February, but the anticipated dates for the live discussions are: March 5, March 12, March 19, March 26, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, and May 14, and May 21. Please complete this registration form so that we can send you a link to the events, and update you as the agenda firms up
Ex. "Haverford College"
Links to any course materials you would like to share are also welcome